Tuesday, August 28, 2007

#010, J



Jati (pr: Jaati): Race which a person gets by birth.


Jaanu (n) = knees.
(Usage: S`ankaracharya in Bhaja Govinda Verses: "Ratrau chubuka samarpita jaanuhu". Meaning: During nights, the knees folded to touch chin (to save oneself from winter coldness).

Jaaya = wife, who gives children. Hindu philosophy believes: A husband enters the uterus of his wife through his semen and takes a rebirth as his son.
jamtava = animals;

Jananam (n) = birth.

Usage: Punarapi jananam, punarapi maran`am, punarapi jananii jat`haree s`ayanam. S`ankaracharya in Bhaja Govinda verses. Meaning: Born again, dying again, sleeping in the womb of the mother again).

Janani (n) = mother.

Usage: Punarapi jananam, punarapi maran`am, punarapi jananii jat`haree s`ayanam. S`ankaracharya in Bhaja Govinda verses. Meaning: Born again, dying again, sleeping in the womb of the mother again).

janma = birth;

Jat`haram (n) = stomach, womb (figuratively).

Usage: Punarapi jananam, punarapi maran`am, punarapi jananii jat`haree s`ayanam. S`ankaracharya in Bhaja Govinda verses. Meaning: Born again, dying again, sleeping in the womb of the mother again).

jayati = wins;
jiirn`a = (v) digest (a) digested, torn.
jiiva, jiivit = life
juhva = offer in sacrificial fire;
jyooti (n) = light;
jyooti (v) = to light, to look;

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