Tuesday, August 28, 2007

#014 N


Na: No.
Naabhi (n) = navel.
Usage: "Naarii stana bhara naabhii dees`am, drisht`vaa maagaa mooha aavees`am" . Sankaracharya in his Bhaja Goovinda verses.


Nakshatram (n) = star.
Naktam(n): 1. A night.

Namas (v) = salute.

Nandi(n) : 1. The Bull which carries Lord Shiva. 2. The stone bull which is commonly found before Siva temples.

nara = human, man

Nari (Naari) (F) = woman.
usage: Yatra Narayastu puujyantee, tatra ramantee deevataa. Where women are respected and worshipped, the Gods love the place.
usage 2: naariistanabhara naabhiidesham druishht`vaa maagaamoohaavees`am. Do not get deluded by passion seeing a woman's navel and heavily-weighed down breasts. (From Sankaracharya's Bhaja Govinda Stootram).

nasht`a = loss;
nava = nine, new;

nibaddha = bound; adhering;

Niila (adj) = blue, indigo.

Usage: candana carcita niilakal`eebara piita vasana vanamaalii. Jayadeva in his Asht`apadis. Meaning: This describes the body of Krishna. His blue colored body (niila kaleebara) is applied with sandalwood paste (candana carcita). He wears yellow garments (piitavasana). Oh wearer of garland of forest flowers! (vana = forest; maali = wearer of garlands).

nilayam(n = dwelling, residence.
nimittam = 1. bad omen; 2. instrument or tool.
nir-agnir = without maintaining sacred fire
nir-doosham = free of defects; free of lapses;
nir-aamaya = cured from disease;
nirn`ayam(n) = decision.
nis`a = night.
nisheedham = ban, prohibition.
nisht`ha = sincerity, interest.
nis`iidhi = night.
nityam = daily, always

Niyoojita (adj.)= engaged.

Usage: yoogii yooganiyoojita chittoo
ramatee baaloonmattavad (baala unmattavad) iva. S`ankaraacharya in Bhaja Goovinda verses. Meaning:
A person whose intellect is yoked in ascetism, delights like a child in ecstasy.

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