Tuesday, August 28, 2007



Paapa = sin.

Pasya (tv): See.
Aneekabaahuudaravaktraneetram; pas`yaami tvaa sarvatoo anamtaruupam [Bhagavad Gita 11/16]

Paarvati (n) = Goddess. w/o Lord S`iva. Syn. Uma, Kaal`i, Gauri et al.
paatakam = sin


Pachami (Pacaami): First person, simple present tense. I digest.
Aaham vais`vaanaroo bhuutvaa praan`inaam deeham aas`rita
praan`aapaanasamaayukta: pachaami annam caturvidham. Gita 15/14.

Padmini (n) : 1. A class of woman, as per the classification made by Vatsyayana in his Kama Sutra. Considered as the best class.

Paksham(n) = 1. Fortnight. 2. Party and side. 3. Wing.
Pakshi(n) = bird. Etym: Creature with 'Pakshams' i.e. wings.
paraayan`a = person full engaged in a thing; expert;
parampara = succession of generations;
Parasparam = each other, one another.
paripamdhi = enemy, wayside robber. pantha = way.
partitraan`a = protect
pasyaami = I see;
Patit(n) = One who is fallen.
Patita (F) = Fallen woman.
patni = wife, who married as per religious customs and who sits beside her husband
while performing religious ceremonies and rituals. "Patni" is, therefore,
superior to words like "bhaarya" and "jaaya".
patram = leaf;

phala = fruit

Piita (v) = drink.

Usage: gangaa jala lava kan`ikaa piitaa. Sankaracharya in Bhaja Goovinda Verses. Meaning: Sips a little drop of water from river Ganga.

Piita (adj) = yellow color.

Usage: candana carcita niilakal`eebara piita vasana vanamaalii. Jayadeva in his Asht`apadis. Meaning: This describes the body of Krishna. His blue colored body (niila kaleebara) is applied with sandalwood paste (candana carcita). He wears yellow garments (piitavasana). Oh wearer of garland of forest flowers! (vana = forest; maali = wearer of garlands).

Pooshak (n) = Patron.


praak = 1. before 2. East.
Praharsham(n): Great joy.

Praan`aayaamam (n) = An exercise to regulate breath.
Usage: praan`aayaamam pratyaahaaram. S`ankaracharya in his Bhaja Govinda verses. Meaning: Regulating breath and Remaining unperturbed by external influences.

Prahlada (pr: Prahlaada)(n): 1. A character in Bhagavata. S/o Hiranya Kasipu, Demon King. Etym: Pra =
Substantially, hlaada = one who gives happiness. He makes people happy.

prakruti = Nature;
pralapa (v) = to talk
praapta = get
prabhu(n) = Lord (God);
prahasan = laughing, ridiculing;
Prapti (pr: praapti): 1. Receipt.
Prasna = (n) Question (v) Question.
Pratyaahaaram (n) = Remaining unperturbed by external influences.

Usage: praan`aayaamam pratyaahaaram. S`ankaracharya in his Bhaja Govinda verses. Meaning: Regulating breath and Remaining unperturbed by external influences.

Preeyam (n) = What is dear and liked.
Priyam(n) = What is dear and liked.
Prutha (n)= another name for Kumti, mother of Arjuna and Paamd`avas;
pruthak pruthak = separately;
pruthvi (n) = earth;

pumgava, pungava = the best among, leader.
punar = again;

Usage: Punarapi jananam, punarapi maran`am, punarapi jananii jat`haree s`ayanam. S`ankaracharya in Bhaja Govinda verses. Meaning: Born again, dying again, sleeping in the womb of the mother again).

Punarvasu = A star in Indian Zodiac., equivalent to Polux.
Pun`ya = virtue.
puraatana = ancient;
puram = town;
purusha = man, super-God
puuta = purified;

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