Tuesday, August 28, 2007




Vaapii (N) = A well, often with steps to reach down the water level.
Vaasaha (n) = clothes, garments.

(Usage: s`ayyaa bhuutalam ajinam vaasaha. In S`ankaracharya's Bhaja Goovinda verses. Meaning: Bed is the earth's surface. Garments are deer skins.)

Vaasam = (v) live; (n) residence.
Vadhuu(Feminine) = bride.


Vaisvanara (pr: Vais`vaanara): The God of Fire.
Aham vais`vaanaroo bhuutvaa praan`inaam deeham aas`rita (I assume the form of Fire and reside in bodies of creatures)-Gita 15/14

Vaktram: mouth.
Usage: Aneekabaahuudaravaktraneetram; pas`yaami tvaa sarvatoo anamtaruupam [Bhagavad Gita 11/16]
Vanam = forest.
Varada (n) = Bestower of gifts. Etym: Vara =gift; da = give, giver.
varn`am = color, caste;
Varn`a samkara = pollution of caste. (Not only Krishna and Arjuna, the priests and rulers of those days of were afraid more of caste pollution a cobra.)
vartat = behave;

Vasana (n) = clothes, garments.

Usage: candana carcita niilakal`eebara piita vasana vanamaalii. Jayadeva in his Asht`apadis. Meaning: This describes the body of Krishna. His blue colored body (niila kaleebara) is applied with sandalwood paste (candana carcita). He wears yellow garments (piitavasana). Oh wearer of garland of forest flowers! (vana = forest; maali = wearer of garlands).

vastram = cloth, clothes.
vayam = we;
vees`ma = residence, home

vibhu = Lord (God);
viddhi = know (2nd person, imperative);

viddhi vyaadhyabhimaanagrastam lokam s`ookahatam ca samastam : Know that the whole world is caught by disease, ego-self-conceit, and misery. From Sankaracharya's Bhaja Govinda Stotram).

Vidya(n) = education, art.
vigata = gone;
viita = shed;
vimda (tv) = enjoy;
vimookshan`a = deliverance;
vinaas`aka = destructive;
vinas`ya = destroy;
Vishaadam = anguish, catastrophe.
vis`ruja (v) = to excrete;
Vishn`u = Krishna's original name before incarnation. One of the trinity Gods.
Vivasvata = The Sun;
vratam(n) = oath;
vyatiit = elapse

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